Our News Archives

Darley House

Christmas at Darley House

What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas early in the special setting and atmosphere of Darley House!  Transport covered planes, trains and cars: with my

Darley House

The Joy Of Watercolour

What do artists want?  Time and space to focus on painting?  Tutor input, support and feedback? Freedom from everyday chores and pressures?  This is what

Darley House

NEW Luxury break in Derbyshire

Take a grand tour of Darley House I am thrilled that we now have a video of Darley House and gardens. When my website designer,

Darley House

Restoration of Darley House

Stella of SMS Creative Photography, a talented photographer and friend, happened to be in Ashbourne, Derbyshire  last September, so we arranged for her to come

Darley House

Darley House

Find out more about the history of the house and the area: The Peak District is fascinating place to visit from so many different angles.